SCHWAN – ‘Der Schwan irrt sich’  / ‘The swan is mistaken’ - Rasto Lewandowski said - Schiffbauerdamm - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
WHITE PARTY - Eunice - HERREN DAMEN Pop-up galerie - Libauer Strasse - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
MARLENE DIETRICH - Pünktchen als / as Marlene Dietrich - Unter den Linden - Deutsches Historisches Museum / German Historical Museum - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
MODENSCHAU - FASHION SHOW - Berlin Mitte Rosenthalerstrasse - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
ACROBAT - Circusgroep/ group - Veusch - Raw Tempel Friedrichshain - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
OPEN AIR KINO - Alte National Galerie - Museumsinsel - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
SEHNSUCHT - Meisje voor schilderij Abdij in het Eikenbos / Girl looking at painting Abbey in Oak Forest - Casper David Friedrich - Alte National Galerie -  From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
TANGO - Petra - theater ‘Dass Kommt mir Spanisch Vor’ / ‘That seems Spanish to us’- Cafe Zapata -  From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
MICHALIS PICHLER - Demonstratie performance door kunstenaar tijdens bezoek president Bush aan Berlijn / Demonstration performance by artist during President Bush's visit to Berlin - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
TAGESLICHT – Ouder echtpaar in de zojuist geopende ondergrondse/ Older couple in the just opened underground – U Bahn Potsdamerplatz - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
SCHNEEFIGUR - Park Zoologischer Garten - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm
ZAPPA – Johann – Muzikant in de nacht op weg naar een optreden /  Musician at night on the way to a performance - From the serie BERLIN 2014 - 2000/2007 - Black & White Film 6x7 cm